Human resource is different in many aspects from other resources of organisations. Organisations’ other resources can be hired, retained and discarded at any time but human resource needs special treatment. It needs to be carefully hired, deserve an extra effort to retain and requires training and development to upgrade and improve its capabilities.

The generic purpose of human resource development is to generate and retain appropriate and contended work force that perform assigned job and gives maximum individual contribution to the organisations’ development and goal accomplishment efficient and effectively.

Other resources depreciate with the passage of time but when the human resource gain more and more experience thus it becomes more beneficial for the organisations. The government organisations face variety of challenges to whether invest on its human capital and then how to retain its employees.

Unlike other resources, the human resources of an organisation are more dynamic and easily move from one organisation to another organisation. They can move their talents, skills, experiences and capabilities acquired through training and development from one organisation to another organisation easily. Therefore many government organisations today avoid investing on their human resources directly but find it fruitful to rather attract the experiences workers from labour market on competitive wage rate.

Human resource

When human resource are developed, their knowledge, skills and attitudes are built in the society. In economic perspective, it is the accumulations of human capital, the effective use of which can facilitate the development process in the economy. The development of human resources helps workers to utilize their capabilities and enables them to reach to the height of their professional carrier to lead fuller and richer lives. The human resource development process also unlocks the door of modernization in the economics and key to progress.

The knowledge and skills of a nation’s workforce and the quality of its infrastructure are what make it unique and attractive in the world economy. A workforce that is knowledgeable and skilled at doing complex things is vital for social and economic development because it is the application of knowledge which determines the productivity of their society.

The private sector organisations’ analyses of investment choice are based in their profitability and return on investments. But public sector investment on human resource development policies not only supports this sector but also effect on managerial decisions and determines their success from a wider development prospective.

For properly leveraged human capital in today’s knowledge-driven economy, an organisation must not only understand how to utilize the current knowledge and capabilities of its people, but how to consistently develop and grow their skills to achieve a long-term competitive advantage. Creativity and innovations in various professional areas in the country is the core element that determines the potential for being competitive in the world.

The Digital Age changed the world. It is seemingly much smaller and more connected than ever before. As a result, organisations are flatter, employees empowered for decision making, and all upper level organisational members are expected to be forward-thinking and globally minded.

Most employers are aware that training and development in this era of information, communication and technology is vital in maintaining adaptability, competitiveness and high performance in an organisation. Organisations that recognize training and development as an investment rather than cost view their employees as assets.

Human Resource Planning must be part and partial of Business Plan of an organisation. But traditional corporate training which designed during times of stability is unable to deliver the goods today. Organisations seeking a competitive advantage must commit to learning and adaptation to achieve it. Training and Development can be linked to the old proverb that says “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach him to fishing and feed him for a life-time.”

Interpersonal relationships

Employees are no longer recognized as just organisational resources; rather, they are considered an organisations’ greatest resource. The skill they bring and the effort they exert often determine whether an organisation is good or superior.

Training and development improves interpersonal relationships among employees and management so as to reduce conflicts at work, leading to cost reduction in terms of less supervision and time, less wastage and proper time management resulting in to increased speed, productivity and quality. Training can achieve management succession plan, organisations’ image, customer satisfaction and reduce risks. Effective communication is also enhanced and leading to loyalty and commitment of staff.

Human resource quality is the competitive edge of an organisation. Training and development is the framework for helping employees to develop their personal and organisational skills, knowledge and attitudes to maintain superior workforce. It helps employees to ‘live-ready’ for retention, promotion, increase earnings and more opportunities.

As a result of training and development, employees feel valued, motivated and differentiated, leading to more commitment in their daily functions to reduce the risk of staff turnover. Furthermore, employees gain more skills which enable them facilitate their negotiations of pay, status, welfare, health and safety and other conditions of service.

Most managers see training as cost rather than investment. The argument is that it is hard to establish a direct cause and effect relationship between training and productivity. Further cost is tangible and benefits are intangible and hard to measure. Another argument is that high employee turnover may occur as a result of higher expectations and aspirations from employees. Managers are concerned about staff gaining more qualification which may lead them to leave because limited opportunities exist. Further certain public sector organisations are not willing to invest in staff training despite the statutory provisions.

Public sector employees

Education has no end; the highest level of one’s education is a personal choice based on certain financial and non-financial circumstances. Training and development is defined as ‘the systematic process of facilitating the acquisition of skills, knowledge and attitudes which results to improved organisational performance’ and also it is one out of eighteen human resource development functions.

Nevertheless, lack of enough time and the tight schedule of activities are the incuses by some busy public sector managers. Sometimes, funds may be available but for job priorities over a period of time, training may be put on hold. Interestingly, some managers think that the trained employees may compete or challenge their status, especially those sent for higher education qualifications. Certain public sector employees argue that it is the organisation’s duty to train and develop them.

Employee training and development has multiple and mutual benefits. It links organisational strategy and values with long-term employee behavioural changes thus significantly increase an organisations’ productivity. Therefore, management of public sector organisations must factor cost of training and development in their budgets. Policies, priorities, financial strategies and implementations must incorporate investment in staff training and development.

Employees are also challenged to justify the cost of training and development in their operational functions by creating value, efficiency, quality and behaviour that help to achieve targets of the organisation.

Human resources are the active agents of a nation who accumulate capital, exploit natural resources for unlimited human wants, build social, economic and political organisations and carry forward national development goals. 


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