[CITIZENS' Mail - (09-08-2017)] | Page 2 | Daily News

[CITIZENS' Mail - (09-08-2017)]

A new voting system required

At present the voting system in elections (General, Provincial etc) is called Proportional Representation System (PRS) on District basis.

Since there is fair amount of dissatisfaction amongst the public at large, a mixture of two systems was suggested.

a) Proportional Representation System (PRS) – District basis

b) First Post the Past System (FPPS) – Electoral basis

It is reported that – CAFFE (Campaign for Fair and Free Elections) had recommended.

PRS – 75%

FPPS – 25%

No preference allocation (Provincial and National List)

This has been changed now and a bill has been submitted to the Parliament this month for approval.

PRS – 40%

FPPS – 60%

Women allocation 25% (Minimum)

No preference allocation.

Since the Local Government Election would be held in January 2018, (only 6 months to go). Voters should be educated on the benefits of the new system and the method of voting as well. Regrettably, even after 69 years of freedom, our people have not been properly educated to exercise their voting rights and also on the importance of voting. Low voting rate, high percentage of rejected votes (even willfully done at times) shows this.

This happens even in Districts where literacy level is very high. Several educated people do not actively participate in voting.

It should be noted that when voting was introduced it was suggested that only literates should have the right to vote. Our leftist leaders fought for and secured the National Franchise. We must realize this, and be thankful to them.

It is the duty of our political leaders, intellectuals, professionals, trade chambers, unions etc to elucidate the position to the public regards voting.

We are blessed with a powerful media who can play a major role in this regard. Seminars, discussions, interviews etc should be arranged for the benefit of the Nation.

S R Balachandran

Colombo 06

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