[CITIZENS' Mail - (08-01-2019)] | Daily News

[CITIZENS' Mail - (08-01-2019)]


I have noticed that when a Buddhist dies, invariably at the end of his appreciation column “May he attain the supreme Bliss of Nirvana” is written. Presumably, he did not attain the state of Nirvana in this birth.

As such, in the ultimate context, he has wasted a precious human life which he may never get again. Who knows, if he had realized the importance of the human birth, he may have led a different life.

When a Christian dies, invariably at the end of the appreciation it is written: “He is safe in the arms of Jesus”. If every Christian, just because he is a Christian is assured to be in the arms of Jesus after he dies, why did Jesus say “First you find the Kingdom of Heaven within you….” with the word “First” denoting unconditional priority?

Yes, this is written by someone who has devoted his last 10 years full time to follow the instructions of Jesus because I see no choice! For me, even the thought of failing to get to that ultimate state where you are beyond all suffering and pain is too frightening. Yes, I see the uncompromising viciousness of Karmic Retribution (you will be paid back with the same coin) all around me only too clearly.

For me, the tragedy of all tragedies is that the warnings of the Buddha and Jesus have fallen on deaf ears.

With a glistening horizon, floating in space, with joy beyond words.

Yes, that is our heritage, if only we realize it!

Dr. A. Thenuwara


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