Citizens' Mail | Daily News

Citizens' Mail

Safety in the post-festival eve

Every end of the year sees a Jolly good period combined with leave, holiday, travelling and enjoyment for everyone.

This period, since the early days, has been considered a good time for relaxation and visiting the well-wishers. With much willingness, we dish out our hard-kept savings.

The most recent ceremonial period was Christmas. The year drew to an end with that sacred eve. The period is sacred, of course, but the motorists do not seem to take that into serious account.

The statistics take us to the stark revelation of violent accidents that occurred over the last few weeks. It is, therefore, better to take precautions of safety and non–violence. The motorists must take a separate vow not to consume intoxicating drinks and drugs. They must attend to their business keeping the safety of other road users in mind.

It is very good if everyone thinks this way and avoids speed driving. The rush and negligence under the influence have most often ended up in tragedies unimaginable.

A little bit of caution would definitely avoid serious accidents which may cause injury or even deaths to other road users.

The care must also be taken not to cross the road wearing dark dresses in the night. The pedestrians must also be cautious not to cross the fast-moving lanes.

Taking such care and precaution in driving would avoid the strain on the police officers, courts and the already burdened accident service of the national hospital.

This would lead to a free enjoyment period for all.

B. G. Jirasingha
Retired Senior Supervising Examiner of Motor Vehicles (R.M.V) 

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