‘Celebrate Deepavali in keeping with health guidelines’ | Daily News

‘Celebrate Deepavali in keeping with health guidelines’

The Health Promotion Bureau in a special message to those who are preparing to celebrate Deepavali, which falls this weekend advised worshippers not to congregate in large numbers and to always obey health guidelines.

“It is very important that we all protect ourselves and our loved ones from this COVID-19 this crucial period. So lets celebrate Diwali differently this year. Instead of wearing new clothes, let's wear what we already have.” They said in a special audio message. “Lets worship God at home rather than congregating in large numbers at temples.”

They advised devotees to always wear a clean mask when leaving home. “When you arrive at the temple make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and maintain a social distance even when offering Prasadam.” They advised devotees to avoid receiving the guests to the home and avoid going to other people's homes.