Home » Two couples selling sex videos arrested

Two couples selling sex videos arrested

by Gayan Abeykoon
June 17, 2024 1:17 am 0 comment

Piliyandala Police have arrested two young couples who were involved in a large-scale money-making racket by selling live sex videos to a Chinese company. Along with the suspects the Police had seized colour masks with eye covers, an ice cap face mask, a smart mobile phone that contained a certain app used for filming videos, two phones, 25 milligrams of Ice drug and two sedative pills mixed with cannabis.

The raid was carried out based on information received by Piliyandala Police OIC, Chief Inspector Dinesh Attaragama.

It has been revealed from the suspects that since they are unable to find money this way in other jobs, they have been releasing live sex videos through the internet and as a result, the money credited to their bank account in dollars is converted into rupees and they have said they earned more than Rs.100,000 a week. The suspects will be produced in Courts.

Bimal Jayasinghe

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