Home » The importance of punctuality

The importance of punctuality

by malinga
June 22, 2024 1:05 am 0 comment

We were ruled by the British until 1948. Cricket was born in England. Sri Lanka received cricket from England. We are talking about cricket today but it is not about the game per se. It is about cricket as an indicator of the transformation that has taken place in Sri Lanka during the past several decades. Present day cricket is only one indicator for this transformation.

The Sri Lankan team that participated in the 2024 T20 Cricket World Cup arrived in the island on Wednesday morning. Sri Lanka ranked 3rd in Group D, after only winning one match in the preliminary round, missing out on the Super 8 qualification. During the tournament, Sri Lanka managed to secure just one victory in the initial round against the Netherlands.

A lot of things have been said in connection with the most popular sport in Sri Lanka. Various media outlets aired various programs on cricket. The ordinary people too expressed their opinions. But the real problem with cricket in Sri Lanka does not exist with the cricketers, Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC), the political leadership or the spectators. The real issue is the impact of social change that has taken place in Sri Lanka during the past several decades.

Not addressing the issues that arise with positive or negative impact of social change creates a large number of other problems in any field in any country. The same thing has happened here in Sri Lanka. The most pathetic situation is no Sri Lankan, especially the decision makers and politicians understand the real issue which has a strong negative impact on almost everything in every single subject area. Cricket is only one such subject.

Sri Lankans are very good at observing the positive side of our culture, religions, etc and the negative side of social and cultural systems of foreign countries. We see the reality when it comes to displaying talent in sports. The sports stars blame relevant authorities for not supporting them while the authorities blame sports stars for not coordinating with them and not obeying them. But no one is there is see the bitter truth. It is the individual and his/her upbringing that matters. That is how Susanthika Jayasinghe brought the only Olympic Silver Medal to Sri Lanka after Duncan White. It was she who ran and won the medal. Her will power brought the Olympic Silver Medal for Sri Lanka. She was a member of the Armed Forces which are well-known for discipline. It will be the same with any team sport.

Future victories at international cricket matches and tournaments will not be possible if we do not understand what went wrong and where. It is the negative impact of social change. In the past the Sri Lankan young generation woke up early. Now they sleep nearly until 10 a.m. In the past, the Sri Lankan young generation slept early. Now they start their day after 6.00 p.m. There is a trend, especially among youngsters and even some adults, to treat people who wake up early, complete work early and go to bed early as `old’ or `outdated’ individuals. Some even hate such people. The bitter truth is, a majority of Sri Lankans of all ages like to get up late, work late and sleep till late.

We cannot blame only the people for this evil system which drags the entire country backwards. All Internet Providers in Sri Lanka offer their services at a cheap rate only after 12 midnight (to 6.00 a.m.) The young generation is addicted to their mobile phones. In the past, being a well disciplined individual was a pride for anyone. But today being a well disciplined individual is portrayed as someone who is timid, weak, old fashioned or maybe simply a `slave’. In the past there were no children’s rights as such. Now children cannot be disciplined due to child rights issues.

Someone can argue that those factors are not connected to cricket. But anyone with an iota of brain can understand the connection of all those factors and cricket. Not being able to see the indirect connection between the social change and the downfall of cricket in Sri Lanka is a tragedy. It is not too late at all. All that is needed is addressing the issues that have a direct connection to negative social change. Those issues are not only restricted to cricket. They are connected to all sports and all other fields and subjects. Therefore the solutions can be common and not only for cricket. The solution lies in having strict rules and regulations.

One example can be provided. It is time, perhaps the most precious factor of all. We cannot get back the time we have lost or wasted. It can be made compulsory for Sri Lankans to be present at all events in all State and private sector on time and if the starting time is 8.30 a.m., all participants should be at the venue before 8.30 a.m. and not after. We do the Avurudu auspicious times collectively as one nation and thereafter quickly forget the word ‘punctuality’. This should not be the case at all.

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