Home » Human Hand – A marvelous creation of Nature: Mount of Moon
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Human Hand – A marvelous creation of Nature: Mount of Moon

by malinga
June 22, 2024 1:08 am 0 comment

Moon is the only satellite orbiting around the Earth. However, the Moon, in astrological nomenclature is described as the ‘planet’ (Graha) closest to the Earth. Being the celestial body closest to the Earth, the Moon, of all planets wields the greatest influence on man and his environment.

The pad formed on the left of the Life Line of the right palm and below the upper Mount of Mars along the percussion extending up to the bracelets at the wrist is called the Mount of Luna or Moon.

Persons with a developed Mount of Moon are delicate, sensitive and romantic. They are lovers of nature and beauty.

Those with an excessively developed Mount of Moon live in a dream world or a world of imagination. They are not practical-minded and find it difficult to face vicissitudes in life as they are not down to earth in their attitude towards the realities.

Those with a developed Mount of Moon are called Lunarians or Luna subjects.

Persons not having a prominent Mount of moon are considered hard-hearted, cruel and materialistic. Those who are very bellicose and aggressive lack a developed Mount of Moon.

The Lunarians are kind-hearted people who prefer to lead a peaceful life in harmony with others. They often happen to be artists, musicians and men of letters. They do not like to be subservient or submissive. They are very independent in thinking and action.A prominent of Mount of Moon leaning outwards indicates that the owner is obsessed with love of pleasures in life. He would be promiscuous and would go after beautiful women which would be the cause of his ruin.

Vertical lines on the Mount of Moon add to its strength while the horizontal lines indicate defects.

A person would go abroad several times if there are zigzag lines on the Mount. If there is a circle on the Mount, the owner would go abroad for political reasons.

A person with a conch shell sign on the Mount of Moon would achieve great success in life with his own effort.

The more the Mount is lined, the more the subject becomes restless.

The Mount of Moon can be divided into three parts as the Upper, the Middle and the Lower for the purpose of determining the health problems of the owner Markings like dots, is-lands, cross bars, and similar signs on the upper part of the Mount show that the owner is subject to intestinal disorders. Markings like crosses, grilles, and ill-formed stars on the middle of the Mount signify gout or rheumatism. Meanwhile, kidney trouble is indicated by cross bars on the lower part of the Mount. Lunarian cannot stand hard work or prolonged exertion. He is in danger of drowning and of suffering from kidney, bladder and womb troubles.

Lunarians with pointed fingers live in such a world of imagination some of them get close to inanity.

Lunarians with conical fingers are gifted artists. Those with square fingers are lovers of poetry and those with spatulate fingertips are great lovers of beauty.

A S Fernando

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