Home » A long overdue step

A long overdue step

by malinga
June 29, 2024 1:05 am 0 comment

President Ranil Wickremesinghe on Thursday asserted that he would be forced to declare teaching an Essential Service (ES) if teachers continue to engage in their agitations. In an audience with the Most Ven. Malwatte and Asgiriya Prelates in Kandy on Thursday, the President emphasized the need for teachers to be present in the schools during school hours for the education of the nation’s children.

He noted that since 2022 teachers received a salary increase ranging from Rs.13,000 to Rs 27,000 adding that other Government servants too had to be considered. He also noted that strike actions of the teachers were confined to only Sinhala medium schools while commending the Tamil, Muslim and private schools for ensuring an uninterrupted education for children.

The President’s move to declare the teaching profession as an ES, was long overdue, given the frequency with which teachers took to the streets giving no consideration for the future of their charges. Soon after the President’s declaration, Teacher Trade Union front-man Joseph Stalin rejected the idea saying they would not abide by the ruling and would continue their agitations if the teacher salary demand went unanswered.

Perhaps, the main reason for the arrogance of the trade unionists in this instance, no doubt, stemmed from the failure of the authorities to give effect to the ES regulations in real terms. Thus far, the Emergency Regulations decree had been applied to many service sectors such as the railways, postal services, ports etc. during strikes. However, no sooner things returned to normal, the miscreants always went scot free, the ES decree notwithstanding.

This is mainly due to the political backing enjoyed by these trade unions and the knowledge that they are certain to be bailed out through political intervention. Hence, ES regulations had so far lacked teeth, which is the reason for the strikers to ignore them so far.

This situation must change. The decree that those who continued to engaged in strike action when ES had been declared, is deemed to have vacated post should be implemented to the letter. There can be no compromise in this respect. The spate of strikes that now has become all too common must be brought to an end. The economy which is just beginning to show a revival cannot afford the luxury of serial strike action.

That the ES regulation is to be brought to bear on the teaching profession is indeed a telling indictment on the present day teachers who have not only sullied their own reputations but also that of their noble profession. The President’s decision in this regard, one would agree, is well justified considering the implications the spate of teacher strikes are going to have on the future generation. Are we going to experience a scenario similar to that which has hit our universities which are closed more often than not? Are the children attending private and International schools going to steal an advantage over that of their counterparts in State run schools which operate only in fits and starts due to the on-going teacher strikes?

Harsh measures are called for to deal with the errant teachers whose priority which ought to be the education of students has now been replaced with greed and selfishness. They no longer deserve the honour and regard accorded to the teaching profession in the past. In that bygone era teachers and Principals were held in such high esteem that ordinary folk sought their counsel even on personal matters. The Loku Iskoley Mahattaya (School Principal) in the village was a much sought after figure for advice and guidance.

What a contrast with the present where the teaching community as a whole have lost all regard and honour and descended to this sorry pass. The Government should not give in to the unreasonable demands of the teachers’ unions. As the President noted, this could open the floodgates at a time all efforts are being made to stabilize the economy. Under the circumstances, the only way granting salary increases across the board could be made possible is by printing money on which the IMF has imposed a strict taboo. Even with the printing of money, salary increases to teachers would be a meaningless exercise with the devaluation of money due to inflation. The teachers more than other segments ought to understand this reality instead of insisting on their pound of flesh at whatever cost.

The teachers and principals should be shown where to get off. Their lot has been having things their own way for far too long. Teachers who boycott school should be sacked under ES laws and replacements found to fill in the breach. Students cannot be allowed to be held to ransom in this manner. Besides, the violent conduct of the teachers, including female teachers, who were seen engaging in fierce battles with the Police, does not bode well for the profession. It is a clear indication that they no longer deserve respect and preferential treatment owing to the nature of their profession. The full brunt of the ES regulations should be brought to bear on them.

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