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The Good News

by Gayan Abeykoon
July 1, 2024 1:30 am 0 comment

This is Daily News. The only state owned daily English Newspaper. It is pro-Government to a certain extent, no matter who is in power but it always stood by people, the country and the Government ruled the country by that time while other media had various ‘agendas’. There are no independent or balanced newspapers or media here in Sri Lanka because all are highly biased towards one or two political parties or the political party/parties of their owners. But this is not about media freedom. This is the bitter truth about the history of Sri Lankan voters who brought various political parties into power from time to time  in the past seven and half decades. Today we discuss this topic because Sri Lanka has no more strength to walk along the same old destructive path any longer.


We need a change and it is NOT demanded by anyone ! It is very interesting to see what this change is and why no one demands it. By now, the entire country and the all past and present generations of Sri Lankans very clearly understand that changing regimes did not do any good during the past seven and half decades. Will it do any good in future? The main problem that ran along with changing regimes is pulling from the leg of whatever new regime appointed in the past. Writing about this can make the writer unpopular but mother Lanka needs to be saved because it is one unique part of this world.

Last week President Ranil Wickremesinghe addressed the nation. But this is NOT about his speech. This is about the Caucasian Chalk Circle and the specific part that is very relevant to current Sri Lanka and especially for the future of mother Lanka. Now the mother Lanka is in the middle of the chalk circle and soon the fight (Elections) will be commenced between the Government and the Opposition. This time the mother needs to be saved because Sri Lanka is the mother of all Sri Lankans. That is why we discuss it here today.

What does mother Lanka need? What does she demand? What is demanded by Sri Lankan citizens? What do people want from Governments? Does this need and demand the same or at least matching to a certain extent? The answer is NO. Mother Lanka needs something and the people of Sri Lanka demand the opposite. They say mother Lanka needs what they demand but it is an utter lie. It is the biggest lie told by every single Sri Lankan, especially politicians during the last seven and half decades. All Opposition political parties are taking the advantage of this mismatch and trying to capture mother Lanka, rape her as all of them did in the past seven and half decades and abandon her in another rapist’s hands after five or six years. Maybe she will end up in the hands of a group who actively supported all rapists who raped her during the past several decades. After capturing her, maybe they will never let her go. She will be their prisoner forever without checking who she wants as her ruler. It will be too late by then to save her life. All types of disasters need to be halted in order to save mother Lanka.

What does mother Lanka need? It is real Independence, especially economic independence. Begging money and everything else from the world needs to be stopped forever. She wants to be like any other modern and strong country in the world. The people of Sri Lanka should be able to live a good life here in Sri Lanka without migrating. The identity of mother Lanka is another main treasure that she wants to protect. The natural environment is the key component of that. Nothing can be achieved without sacrifices, hard work and especially patience.

What is demanded by people of Sri Lanka? Typical Sri Lankans are lazy. They have never heard of the word ‘discipline’. They do not know what patience is. In a few words they want to do nothing. Food, clothing and everything else should come to them instantly without any effort. That is it! Look at how Sri Lankan public servants work. They are not working at all. They work only if they find some extra time during their official duty hours. Usually they report to work around 10.30 or 11 am and sign at 8.30 am. Then they wash face, comb hair, apply make-up (female public servants), have tea, use social media, have chats, go out to do shopping, have lunch, chat with others, drop children at tuition classes, take photocopies etc required for their kids’ homework etc, and serve people only if they have some more extra time. Females start to get ready to go home from 3.30 pm. They sign 4.30 pm at 4.00 pm and go to take children from tuition classes. No action taken against them when found guilty. No disciplinary actions at all. In the private sector people work hard because they are worried about job security. This fear is the only reason behind their hard work, discipline etc and nothing else. They are extremely cunning and selfish. Will they do any good for the people and country?

Whoever comes to power in Sri Lanka needs to push the country forward with these 1.6 million public servants and around 8 million private sector workers who are being forced to work hard creating fear of job security. They are only one part of the country. The entire country is full of similar people who only think about what the country should offer them and NOT what they can offer to the country. Whoever comes to power will have to deal with this type of people who are extremely selfish. From all Governments Sri Lankan people demand salaries without hard work, everything free, implementation of law for them and NOT for us. Justice for us and NOT for them. Therefore the future ‘Azdak’ will have an extremely tough time.

Here it goes. “After consideration, Azdak claims he can’t find the true mother. He decides that he will have to devise a test. A circle of chalk is drawn, and Michael is placed in the center. The true mother, Azdak states, will be able to pull the child from the center. If they both pull, they will tear the child in half and get half each.

The test begins but (akin to the Judgment of Solomon) Grusha refuses to pull as she cannot bear to hurt Michael. Azdak gives her one more chance, but again she cannot pull Michael. Azdak declares that Grusha is the true mother, as she loves Michael too much to be able to hurt him. The Governor’s wife is told that the estates shall fall to the city and be made into a garden for children called “Azdak’s Garden”.  This is the part that is most relevant to current Sri Lanka. The individuals who saved mother Lanka from the financial crisis should NOT wait without pulling mother Lanka because they love her. There will be NO Azdak to give a sensible judgment. Sri Lankan people remember things ONLY for two weeks!

Sri Lankans should be able to point out at least one positive thing achieved by them by changing regimes every six or five years. What Sri Lankans achieved by changing regimes during the past seven and half decades? Nothing. This is the bitter answer. If Sri Lankans achieved at least one thing by changing regimes in the past, Sri Lanka does not stand here today in the middle of the gravest ever financial crisis in history. Unfortunately Sri Lankans are blind to see the main problem with changing regimes. After changing a regime they started to pull from the leg of that regime (elected by them) after listening to utter lies of a small group of thugs called themselves ‘trade unionists’. After electing a Government the very same people who elected to did their best to pull from the leg of that Government just like grass eating buffaloes without letting that Government to achieve any targets!

Fortunately Sri Lanka is now standing in the middle of the Chalk Circle once again. But this should be the last time people drag mother Lanka for sides.

The most qualified individual should get her for good and keep her until she fully recovers from the current ‘economic disease’ which is curable. No turning back or turning the vehicle to a new unknown road (maybe with a dead end).

If there is a good and experienced driver, fuel and a good vehicle, why should we not let him drive and bring us to the last comfortable destination?

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