Minister assures uninterrupted power supply from January | Daily News

Minister assures uninterrupted power supply from January

Says tariffs must be revised every year from 2023

Power and Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekera yesterday pledged to take all possible measures to ensure uninterrupted power supply by January next year.

The Minister further said that it is impossible to do that without revising the electricity charges.

“Uninterrupted supply of power and fuel cannot be ensured without revising prices,” the Minister said. He was joining the Committee Stage Debate on the expenditure head of the Ministry of Power and Energy yesterday (25).The minister also mentioned that the electricity bill will have to be revised again in the future under any government.

“No matter who governs this country, electricity bills will have to be revised again in this country. Without it, this journey cannot continue. He said that starting next January, targeting 17 tourist zones, a programme will be implemented to continuously provide electricity in those tourist zones. He also said that by the end of next year, 80 percent of the crises will be reduced.

The minister also emphasized that these electricity prices should be revised in order to provide electricity continuously. He also mentioned that it is best to revise the electricity bill every year in the months of January and June.Minister Wijesekera also said that an essential service officer should be appointed for essential services like fertilizer, fuel, gas and electricity.

After a few months, even though it is not possible to provide continuous electricity, it has been possible to reduce the power cut. The minister expressed his thanks to all the people, including President Ranil Wickramesinghe, who helped manage this situation. The electricity bill has increased for everyone today. The electricity bill was increased only after nine years. The last time the electricity bill increased was in 2013. Today, we have faced this situation due to not taking the policy decisions that should be taken regarding electricity in the last season. The Minister alleged that the Public Utilities Commission should properly provide the power generation plan required by the people, but the commission’s work has not been properly fulfilled.

Today, due to this electricity crisis, industries are closed and transportation is at a standstill. Therefore, whatever government there is, a national program should be made for this. We have to continue managing like this for a few more months. Today, the fuel quota of five liters has been increased to 10 liters for nearly 65,000 three-wheelers. Arrangements are being made to provide more fuel to the existing quota of 17,000 buses. Advice has been given not to revise the electricity bill by being sensitive to the health sector. 134 temples have been exempted from paying electricity bills.

In the same way as the fuel quota given to three-wheelers and buses has been increased, in the future, attention has been paid to giving a fuel quota to school buses and vehicles transporting office passengers.

Attention has also been focused on the installation of floating solar panels to be received under the Indian loan scheme in several government institutions including Parliament, Sethsiripaya.

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