How to plant and grow Zinnias | Daily News

How to plant and grow Zinnias

Zinnias are very easy to grow from seed, which makes them a very economical choice in the garden. Plant seeds outdoors after the last frost in spring, or get a head start by starting the seeds indoors in late winter. Follow these planting and growing tips for zinnias:

* Choose a spot with full sun and rich, well-drain ing soil for zinnias, that’s easily accessible with a garden hose. Although zinnias are drought- tolerant, it’s best if you can keep the seedlings moist until they’re established.

* Till or loosen the top 6” to 12” of soil and mix in plenty of compost. Zinnias tolerate most any type of soil (as long as it isn’t soggy), but the richer the soil, the better the flowers!

* Plant zinnia seeds according to package instructions. Spacing depends on the variety – smaller zinnias are usually planted about 6” apart while the giant types should be spaced every 12” apart.

* Zinnia seeds will germinate pretty quickly, and the plants should bloom in about 2 months.

* Keep zinnia plants regularly watered, but not soaked.

* Feed zinnia plants about once a month with a balanced organic fertilizer.

* Keep leggy stems on zinnia’s pinched back. Don’t prune too heavily, or the plants won’t have time to recover. However, feel free to cut fresh flowers to bring indoors – they’ll keep blooming!

- todayshomeowner

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