Gokarella residents neglected | Daily News

Gokarella residents neglected

Residents of Gokarella in Hiriyala request authorities to provide basic amenities to their town without delay.

The town comes under the purview of the Ibbagamuwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

The Gokarella town does not have any public lavatories although there is a large number of state and private establishments, including a Central College, a police station, a post office, an Ayurvedic dispensary, a Pradeshiya Sabha sub office, a public library, bank branches and hotels functioning.

There is no parking lot for three wheelers, lorries and vans.

These vehicles can be seen parked everywhere in the town.

“Although we pay our assessment taxes to the Pradeshiya Sabha on time, the Sabha has failed to provide us at least the basic facilities,” residents said.

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