Trump promises 'renewal of American spirit' in speech to Congress | Daily News

Trump promises 'renewal of American spirit' in speech to Congress


President Donald Trump has promised a "renewal of the American spirit", in his first speech to Congress.

The president said a "new surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within our grasp", opening a "new chapter of American greatness".

Trump condemned recent vandalism of Jewish cemeteries and a hate crime in Kansas that left an Indian man dead.

His primetime address aimed to boost his low approval ratings after a bumpy start to his presidency.

Trump speech in full

In Tuesday night's hour-long speech, Trump said of recent alleged hate crimes, "we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its very ugly forms".

He also touted his decisions to withdraw the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and order work to start on a wall along the US-Mexico border.

Trump added that "real and positive immigration reform" was possible, opening the intriguing possibility of a major policy shift.

That line came hours after he told news anchors off the record at a White House lunch that he might be open to granting legal status to undocumented immigrants.

In his address to US lawmakers, the Republican president also talked tough on the issue, saying: "By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions of dollars, and make our communities safer for everyone."

It was a conventional presidential address, delivered conventionally. Any other year, that would be unremarkable.

In the age of Trump, however, where the ordinary seems unlikely, Tuesday night's proceedings proved decidedly unexpected.

Many of the ideas were the same - the calls for increased border security, the denunciation of illegal immigrants, the pledge to rebuild the US by buying American and hiring American, the warning that US allies must pay their fair share - but the delivery was smoother. For once, Donald Trump's delivery was spoken, not shouted.

As is typical of such addresses, the text was light on policy and marinated in cliches and political pablum, touching on most of Trump's agenda in vague generalities.

The president did lay down some markers, however, particularly on priorities in the upcoming healthcare overhaul, the size of his infrastructure spending plan and, at least elliptically, his support for border taxes.

In the end Trump did no harm and may have helped ease the concerns of Republicans rattled by a rocky start to his administration. Now Congress has to turn those promises into reality. Even with this speech, it will not be an easy task.

But the most thunderous ovation of the night came when a war widow wept as Trump paid tribute to her husband.

Navy Seal Ryan Owens died in a US raid on a suspected al-Qaeda base in Yemen, days into Trump's presidency.

"Ryan's legacy is etched into eternity," Trump told the grieving Carryn Owens, who sobbed.

It was one of the rare moments when lawmakers on both sides of the aisle applauded.

Despite the president's appeal for both parties to "unite for the good of our country", Democratic lawmakers barely clapped and some openly laughed at parts of the speech.

In his concluding remarks, the president - whose political honeymoon has been soured by acrimonious spats with the media - said "the time for trivial fights is behind us".

Among US First Lady Melania Trump's guests in the gallery on Tuesday night were three California residents whose relatives were killed by people in the US illegally.

At least a dozen Democrats brought as their guests young undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children.

Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear delivered the Democratic rebuttal to President Trump's address, accusing Republicans of planning to "rip affordable health insurance" away from those most in need.

Trump's popularity hit a historic low for modern presidents after a month in office - just 44% of Americans think he is doing a good job, according to the Real Clear Politics poll average.

In a Fox News interview broadcast earlier on Tuesday, Trump gave himself an overall "A plus" for effort, but added that "in terms of messaging, I would give myself a C or a C plus".

Trump's first month in office was also overshadowed by a high-profile court defeat to his controversial travel ban and the firing of a top aide.

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was forced to quit after it emerged he had discussed US sanctions with a Russian diplomat and misled the White House about the conversations.

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